Thursday, July 26, 2007

Oscar the cat and the dying patients

This Thursday issue of the NEJM publishes an unusual article about the story of Oscar the cat that "has an uncanny ability to predict when residents are about to die", written by Dr. Dosa, a Rhode Island Hospital geriatrician and Brown University professor.

Oscar, the 2-year old cat, was adopted as a kitten and grew up in the advanced dementia unit at a nursing and rehabititation center where Dr Dosa works. After 6 months, the staff noticed that Oscar would make ward rounds, sniffing and observing patients. He seems to have the sense about when patients are about to die and would sit beside them when the time is near.

He has predicted 25 cases by curling next to the patients during their final hours, his presence has alerted staff to contact patients' family about the end-of-life stage and most families are grateful for the warning. However, Oscar's ability of sensing the impending death remains a mystery and no one knows if his behaviour is scientifically significant.

Read the free full text article "A Day in the Life of Oscar the Cat" in NEJM, 2007, July 26, Volume 357:328-329

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