Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Opt-out approach to HIV testing

Many HIV patients are not diagnosed until they have advanced disease.

A group of doctors called for using a routine opt-out testing that would increase the knowledge of HIV infection status and cut infection rate, in the article "Time to move towards opt-out testing for HIV in the UK", BMJ 2007;334:1352-1354 (30 June 2007)

The call was echoed in another article, "Routine testing to reduce late HIV diagnosis in France", BMJ 2007;334:1354- 1356 (30 June 2007)

The "Editorial: reducing the length of time between HIV infection and diagnosis", BMJ 2007;334:1329- 1330 ( 30 June 2007), discussed the specific goal for changes in policy.

Read the report "Standards for HIVClinical Care" produced by the British HIV association (BHIVA)

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