Friday, July 20, 2007

Alternative medicine in US medical curriculum

Washington Post reported in a post "Earning a spot in the curriculum" that a consortium of 38 medical schools including the major ones Harvard, Stanford and Duke is working to integrate complementary and alternative (CAM) into mainstream medical curricula.

Medical students are being taught to ask about the use of CAM tretaments when they take patient history to guard against potential interferance between conventional practices and medicines. Students are encouraged to respect patients' cultural and ethnic backgrounds which may include CAM practices. The most widely embraced therapy is acupuncture.

In the UK, many primary care trusts (PCTs) have refused to pay for homoeopathy and cancelled their contracts after some leading doctors have urged NHS trusts to stop using complementary therapies and to fund only therapies that were backed up by scientific evidence. Read the doctors' open letter to the PCTs.

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