Friday, October 10, 2008

Is honey better at healing wounds than standard treatments used in the NHS ?

The Cochrane Library publishes a systematic review that aimed to determine whether honey increases the rate of healing in acute wounds and chronic wounds.

Researchers identified 19 RCTs or quasi randomised trials involving more than 2,500 patients with various wounds and found that in the trials of partial thickness burns, honey reduced healing time to healing by 4.68 days compared with some conventional dressings. However the researchers said this finding should be treated with caution.

In chronic wounds, they found that honey dressings used under compression bandaging did not increase healing in venous leg ulcers significantly, but researchers said there is insufficient evidence to guide clinical practice in other areas.

Source: Jull AB, Rodgers A, Walker N. "Honey as a topical treatment for wounds (Review)." Cochrane Database Systematic Review 2008; Issue 4 ( f/t via Athens)

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