Thursday, October 30, 2008

HRT can increase joint problems

A study funded by Cancer Research UK, the NHS Breast Screening Program and the Medical Research Council followed 1.3 million women for an average of 6.1 years and collected information on reproductive history, use of hormonal therapies, other medical history and lifestyle.

Researchers found that women using HRT are more likely to need a knee replacement due to arthritis than women who have never used HRT. There is also increased risk of hip replacement. The researchers conclude that ‘hormonal and reproductive factors increase the risk of hip and knee replacement, more so for the knee than for the hip. The reasons for this are unclear.’

Critics say that there are limitations of its data collection method and the findings conflict with those of previous studies.

Source: Liu B, Balkwill A, Cooper C et al. Reproductive history, hormonal factors and the incidence of hip and knee replacement for osteoarthritis in middle-aged women. Annals of Rheumatic Diseases 2008; Oct 28 ( via press release)

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