Thursday, July 17, 2008

Eating too many nuts could increase childhood asthma risk

Newspapers reported that eating too many nuts in pregnancy could put babies at risk of asthma.
More than 4,000 expectant mothers and their children were followed over 8 years, researchers found that children who developed asthma-like symptoms were significantly more likely to be born to mothers who ate nut products daily dudring their pregnancy, than women who ate nuts rarely.

Critics say that the headline is inaccurate because there were no significant links found between nut consumption and child asthma. The increased asthma symptoms in the child were only found when comparing daily consumption with rare nut product consumption, but not with regular vs rare consumption. It is recommended that pregnant women should have a healthy balanced diet and avoid excessive consumption of one particular food.

Source: "Maternal Food Consumption during Pregnancy and the Longitudinal Development of Childhood Asthma". Am J Respiratory Critical Care Medicine 2008; 178:124-131

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