Tuesday, July 29, 2008

45 minutes walk a day can help control diabetes

Newspapers reported a small study of 20 volunteers ( 10 with and 10 without type 2 diabetes)that found walking improved the bodies' ability to store sugar and burn fat, helping to control diabetes.

Each volunteer was given a pedometer and asked to walk an extra 45 minutes each day. After increasing physical activity for 8 weeks, the number of steps had increased to 12,322 a day in the diabetic group, and to 9,187 steps a day in the control group. Researchers found there were no changes in the enzyme ATP use, but lipid metabolism rates increased more in the people with diabetes than in the control group. They concluded that physical activity such as walking can improve cellular metabolism of the diabetes. Further studies would be needed.

Source : "Increased daily walking improves lipid oxidation without changes in mitochondrial function in Type 2 diabetes." Diabetes Care 2008; May 16 [Epub ahead of print]

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