Thursday, October 14, 2010

Tips on MRCP, PACES, MRCGP exams

The following "The way I see it" articles published in BMJ Careers may be of interest to those who are preparing for the MRCP, FACES, MRCGP exams.

"When should I sit the MRCP?" - a consultant nephrologist suggested that taking the exams early has competitive advantage.

"Taking the MRCP early on" - a founadtion doctor thought that taking the exam early will help stand out from the crowd and has many advantages.

"Passing the MRCP written papers" - a SpR gave useful tips on passing the exam.

"The new MRCP PACES station 5" - 2 SpRs wrote about the changes and format of the new station 5 and offered advice on how to prepare for the exam - "the key is timing and maintaing professional behaviour throughout."

"Passing PACES" - a SpR offered Dos and Don'ts to help you "don't fall at the final hurdle - the PACES exam".

"MRCGP applied knowledge test" - a GP trainee offered advice on preparing for the new MRCGP AKT.

See also previous post on Passing postgraduate exam techniques

Share your views and experience to help others better prepare for the exams! If you like to add more information on this topic, click on "comment" and "send."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am going to share my paces experience with all outlook candidates in this blog. Before you going to the MRCP with mock exams you must strengthen in history making, communication and examination. Also try to continuously revise the causes of various important signs.