Thursday, June 19, 2008

Lifestyle changes may slow prostate cancer

Newspapers reported a small pilot study of 31 men with very low risk prostate cancer that looked at the effects of lifestyle changes on the activity of different genes in prostate tissue.

The participants did not want immediate surgery, hormone therapy, or radiotherapy but agreed to change comprehensive lifestyle including good diet and exercise. By the end of the study, they had reduced BMI, blood pressure, waist size and blood lipids. 48 genes were found more active and 453 genes less active after the intervention. Some of them are related to tumour formation.

Researchers concluded that intensive nutritional and lifestyle changes may change gene activity in the prostate and suggest larger studies to confirm their findings.

Source : "Changes in prostate gene expression in men undergoing an intensive nutrition and lifestyle intervention." Proc Natl Acad Sci 2008; [Published online June 16]

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