Thursday, March 13, 2008

Moderate drinking in middle age can lower heart risk

Multiple news source reported a study that found middle-aged non-drinkers who began moderate drinking resulted in subsequent lower cardiovascular risk.

Researchers followed 7697 adults aged 45-64 who were non-drinkers and participating in the "Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities" study over a 10-year period. After 4 years, researchers found that new moderate drinkers had 38% less cardiovascular risk than non-drinkers. They also found the wine-only drinkers had the lowest cardiovascular events and drinkers of other types also had advantage over non-drinkers but not significant statistically.

The authors said that the resulted cardiovascular benefit must be weighed with caution against the hazards of alcohol drinking. They suggested that for some individuals, limited alcohol may be included in their diet.

Source: "Adopting Moderate Alcohol Consumption in Middle Age: Subsequent Cardiovascular Events" The American Journal of Medicine 121( 3): 201-206

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